Time is Now! Adopt your elephpant

Wonderful PHPeople

Since the creation of this elephpant one evening in 1998, I have had the chance to meet wonderful people. During all these years, I have met people who have literally changed the web. Pioneers who worked hard to make the web evolve so that it becomes the communication tool that you know today. Yes, the PHP community is full of beautiful people. I am a witness to it.

knowledge, humanism and solidarity

This community has always impressed me with its knowledge, humanism and solidarity. Newcomers, even if they are novices, can find answers to their questions very easily. Experienced developers are always ready to give of their time. The state of mind in this community and above all mutual aid.

Still modern

This language is sometimes seen as an old language. However, it remains very powerful and very reliable. Proof of this is for example the success and popularity of tools like WordPress, Magento, and many others that rely on the power of PHP. Facebook itself was originally based on this technology.

One developper, one elephpant

I wanted to address all my respect to this beautiful community. It has existed since 1998 and it is not going to disappear. Today there are over 5 million PHP developers worldwide. There is an elephpant for each of you.


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